Saturday, November 14, 2009

How could I tie pure competition to floral business? I also need help describing pricing strategies.?

You need to be competitive with the best products at the lowest prices. I know you've heard that before but take a few minutes to read on. Consistency builds a customer base. You need to provide your customers with a consistent supply of quality goods so they continue to use YOU to fulfill their needs. Obtaining repeat customers is vital in any sales business. It is easier to maintain relationships with your customers than it is to constantly seek out new ones. Selling merchandise allows you to fulfill buyers' needs. The better you fulfill their needs, the more products you will sell. Period. The best way to purchase a consistent supply of inventory, at the lowest prices, is to buy directly from the wholesalers. Don’t be scared to deal directly with wholesalers. Rather, get excited to find out exactly how to contact the right wholesalers for your business who will compete to provide you the best floral products at the lowest prices.

You need to invest in a wholesale database which will provide you all the contact information for millions of wholesalers. I suggest visiting this site to learn about Onesource which could propel your floral business to new heights blowing the competition out of the water.

Its a site about making money online, but they have a great section on Onesource. Its an information site that is completely free so you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! Hope this helps!

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