Monday, November 16, 2009

Can floral shop hydrangeas be planted outside?

Yes! They are just rooted ends from a regular Hydrangea bush. Wait until spring in your area after danger of frost has passed and plant in a shady moist spot in the garden. The plant has been grown in a greenhouse and indoors up until now, so it would be quite a shock to get put out in the cold.

To help it survive as a houseplant, be sure it stays moist and excess water is able to drain away from the plant. Those decorative plastic liners that wrap most nursery pots are great for dressing it up, but not so good for the plant as the roots tend to get pretty soggy in there which can cause rot.

Once it is in the garden, you can change the colors of the flowers from year to year by adjusting the pH of the soil . Acid soil causes blue flowers, and alkalai soil makes pink flowers. Most soil is on the acid side of the scale. Here the Pacific Northwest most hydrangeas are a deep blue thanks to all the rain. I lime a few of mine every year for a little variety of pink.

Good luck!

Can floral shop hydrangeas be planted outside?
I have given it a try with not great success. Often, shop hydrangeas haven't been exposed to temperature variations so you have to exose them gradually. Also, they don't have extensive root systems so it may take them a while to get fully established. Good luck.
Reply:depending on what the variety is and where you live... if you can tell me what the variety is and where you live, I can give you a definite answer

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